Christ coming back is very, very close!
Here is the full interview:
What implications and indications are there about the coming Rapture of the Church?
Will the Church be gone before the Tribulation?
Watch to see if Israel fights neighboring nations.
The Pope sees problems ahead.
Incredible site for all sorts of data on Rapture indicators!
Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines - 12/14/2022
Birth Pang Tracker Link:
Evidence of Christ’s Soon Return
Take a minute to watch this to see how current events match the Biblical record.
How to Hold on Your Anchor in These Times In Which We Live
Great Teaching on the Rapture
First Teaching on Constellations that May Indicate Christ’s Return
The Stars Can Show What God is Doing in the Future
Do the Stars Tell Us?
The constellations predict the Rapture.
War and Rumors of War
The three newsmaker nations this week are all part of the Biblical prophecies of the end times…is the end getting closer?