Stars showing possible rapture date


The Greatest Alignment Ever Known is FOUND!!!
I'm calling it the "The Pleiades Alignment - Pointing to Heaven"
As you can see, ALL seven main planets(Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune), besides Earth(the planet we are viewing this from) and Pluto, along with the Sun and Moon, ALL form an alignment pointing to Pleiades.

Pleiades, is biblically where Heaven is inferred to exist. The Seven Churches of the First Century were setup by the Lord Jesus to mimic The Seven Sisters/Stars of Pleiades. The best example of Heaven on Earth at the time.

Even Uranus(at the Ram/Lamb of God), which is at the end of the Alignment, pointing to Pleiades, means "Heaven"!!

This one of the biggest Astronomical Discoveries ever made and I'm so happy that I was led here to share this directly from Jesus himself!! Praise God!!

This is the LAST DAY of my timeline and symbolizes the Rapture of the Faithful into Heaven.

Hope this bless you!! I'm still stunned!!


Can someone shut off all my stuff?


Rapture Signs in the Heavens?