The Girl Who Cried Wolf
The Girl Who Cried Wolf
I remember reading and/or having read to me stories and fables such as “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” that deeply embedded themselves into my soul and psyche. They instilled in me a true sense of not wanting to lie or tell any type of falsehood so as not to be discounted as trustworthy when I do share something. As a person with pretty extreme ADD for as long as I can remember, this has not always been easy nor my truest nature. Thankfully, the staggeringly thorough redeeming work of Jesus is bringing about the healing that is so desperately needed there.
As I’ve grown up and only just recently started to realize the deep and vast web of lies we’ve all been born into, I’ve stumbled into some of the most difficult truths imaginable to wrap one's heart and head around, much less be able to share these things with others. In my messy attempts at sharing some of them, I’ve lost a lot of credibility and respect from my peers and family. It’s a lonely journey, to be sure, but it’s mine nonetheless. And Jesus meets me here in breathtaking ways - so I’m totally good.
That said, because I’ve warned of dangers that never materialized as well as jumped on (and shared) news stories that never came to fruition, I’ve not only lost the listening ear of many souls that I love and care for most, I’ve also grown hesitant to sharing the hard things that I do still see coming with these same people because I know (or at least assume) they aren’t listening to me. This has strengthened and sharpened my prayer life beyond belief as I've redirected my passion and intensity in sharing these things with the One who meets me in “the secret place”. Always and without fail when I bring Him my ache and pain.
And yet, there is still a wolf. He goes by many, many names but, in essence, does nothing except seek to kill, steal, and destroy every single thing that is good in this world and that is of our Heavenly Father God. That includes, top of the list, us. You and me. This enemy (Satan) hates us with a hatred not known to mankind. Until a soul wakes up to this reality and starts to live, walk, and plan accordingly, they will continue to exist in spiritual blindness as well as get taken out by enemy sniper fire at every single chance and turn our adversary sees and is able to take a shot.
If the arch enemy of our glorious God walked in the splendor and glory of Heaven and yet still rebelled and caused ONE THIRD(!!!) of the heavenly hosts of angels to fall and rebel against this same Creator, just imagine the carnage he can cause us here on Earth now when we see through the veil ever so dark and dimly. Actually, we don’t even have to imagine any longer….just look around. Turn on the news. It’s all playing out exactly as we were told it would in Scripture - written thousands of years ago. Also known as prophecy. This One True God is speaking loudly and clearly to all of us who are listening with “ears to hear” and are watching with “eyes to see”. Scripture says He does nothing without first revealing it through His prophets - and man oh man, are His prophets prophesying things that are aligning with the Bible and with current world events in mind-blowing and absolutely stunning ways.
I think we would all do very well to listen and pay attention.
Leslie McDaniel Lindsay
".......but I have come that you might have LIFE and have it to the full." ~ Yeshua in John 10:10