Fighting to Stay Alert and Oriented

Fighting to stay alert and oriented

I have had some phenomenal mentors, teaching, and guidance throughout my journey here on Planet Earth. One of the most helpful, by far, was a ministry that taught me about spiritual warfare, the realities of the world in which we were born into, our truest of identities, and how to clearly and effectively hear the voice of our Creator God. And even though I'm no longer walking in the same "stream" of truths found in Scripture as most of the others do that I've met and gotten to know throughout my years of involvement with this particular ministry, I still remain profoundly grateful for the immense amount of Scriptural truth I've gleaned through their life-giving offerings.

One of the principles I learned through this particular ministry is an analogy of first responders and the assessment of the level of trauma they are trying to ascertain in victims of physical accidents, drownings, and/or other life-threatening situations. Trained professionals learn to access the level of alertness of a victim. The AVPU scale (alert, voice, pain, unresponsive) is one such system that helps healthcare professionals and first-aiders measure and record a patient's level of consciousness.

Even though I'm not a first responder in this sense of the word, I'm finding that the watchman/woman calling possesses very similar characteristics to this profession in many, many ways. As someone that is aware, awake, and extremely mindful of the current situation and status of the world, it is very hard to navigate the status quo conversation and "run-of-the-mill" planning, carrying on, and/or chatter about the future. So much of what is being planned simply will not come to pass - and if it does it is all going to look very, very different than what is being prepared for. I feel like I'm playing pretend with what I know isn't reality and yet I can't seem to get people to listen nor understand the stunning lateness of the hour in which we are living historically and prophetically speaking. Nor what we can all expect in the very, very soon future.

The illustration of us all being on the Titanic on her maiden voyage in April of 1912 repeatedly comes to mind. Those of us aboard are all in the same predicament but not all of us are acting in accordance with the realities of the iceberg we just hit and the sinkable amount of frigid Atlantic ocean water that is quickly filling the bowels of our supposedly safe and "unsinkable" ship. Many a church, ministry, and a pastor are teaching and preaching on things that simply WILL NOT help passengers arrive safely in Heaven. Misguided and misinformed souls are planning their activities for what they will do once they have arrived in New York City. Others are dining and/or being entertained on the rapidly sinking "not even God could sink her" vessel. Very, very few are being instructed and equipped to navigate successfully just what the night will hold for them.

I see almost no one in churches warning of the calamities that are quickly heading our way. Many of our brothers and sisters around the world are already currently experiencing some of these calamities. Infinitely worse calamities than have ever been experienced in the history of mankind are headed our way. Wow. We desperately need to know the realities of the hour in which we are finding ourselves living. We need to know where the lifeboats (salvation through Messiah Yeshua) are positioned and how to start telling as many souls as we can just where they too can also find safety. It simply isn't okay to know these things and still not warn others.

I'm navigating life with many souls that chronically continue to drift back to sleep (if they were ever even awake in the first place) and therefore live under the false illusion that things will continue as normal here for the foreseeable future. This simply is not the case. There is not one shred of evidence, that I can find, that points to the return of "normal" in our current situation and yet most still choose to believe the deception and lies. It's bizarre and perplexing, to say the least.

This morning the Holy Spirit brought this "alert and oriented" analogy to my heart and mind. The pull and lull of the tide causes us to close our eyes and drift back to sleep. It is relentless and overpowering at times. The world in which we are living currently is deeply traumatic, confusing, and overwhelming for all of us at times but especially for those not aware of what is going on. We seem to be under some sort of spell that is almost impossible to break for those who don't have the "eyes to see and the ears to hear" the truths of what is truly going on all around us.

I find myself constantly not only fighting to stay awake myself but to try to effectively help wake others up and then help them stay awake. Just as a trauma victim must fight to stay alert and awake when they are fighting for their own lives, we, the Body of Christ, must continue to fight to stay awake and continue alerting others to the lateness and urgency of the hour in which we are living.


"Behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with me, to give to each one according to what he has done." ~ Revelation 22:12


Trying to Break Through to Others


The Girl Who Cried Wolf