Same Same, but Different
One popular meme that's circulating around the internet currently is "Remember that feeling you got when you saw the second plane hit the twin towers and you realized what was going on? You should have that same feeling again right now."
While I completely understand why there are so many people feeling this way - or even much, much worse, I have to say that for us watchmen/watchwomen/intel gatherer/researchers/truth-seekers, we don't feel this same sentiment. Let me explain why.
Those souls that know the Bible and navigate within the realms of prophecy (history told in advance) have such a clear understanding and grasp of such things as this. We don't necessarily know exactly how it will all play out and therefore leave much room for God's mystery in it all. But happen, it will, this we know full well from Scripture. It's just a matter of how closely we're following all the signs, seasons, and markers that we are told to be looking for in order not to be caught off guard "as a thief in the night" when, at the end of this Age, the Messiah Yeshua returns for His Bride. Scripture is absolutely replete with warnings, signs to be watching for, timelines, and basically, our Savior trying every way possible to give us a "heads up" as to what we can expect as things continue their neck-breaking speed trajectory to stunning fulfillment.
You simply can not get away from it all at this point. Having been a "watchwoman" since coming to a saving faith in Yeshua as a young woman, I've looked and longed for His return. I mean....what bride who is in love wouldn't?!?! But the high watch seasons that have come and gone have been s-l-o-o-o-o-o-w in their coming. Like Braxton Hicks contractions for an expectant, first-time mom. You are soooooo ready to meet this young soul that's made his or her home inside of you for almost 9 long months that every slight tightening of your abdomen brings great excitement, expectation, as well as heightened anticipation of what's soon to arrive. After many experiences with these "false" contractions and having birthed four babies, I now know birth pangs and real contractions when I feel them.
And we are THERE. Let me tell you.
We are in the midst of ushering in THEE most insanely exciting (for those who believe in Jesus the Christ and more importantly who He knows and calls His own) and terrifying (for those who have rejected His blood atoning sacrifice) time ever - without a doubt. I seriously can't think of any other time in history that would be more exciting and significant than ushering in all that is quickly happening all around us. The prophetic fulfillment occurring worldwide is mind-numbing and dizzying. Even simply attempting to keep up with it all is a huge challenge. Instead of scouring looking for signs, I just try to sort through them all now to find the most significant of the hour. One thing I do know: this is it.
If reading this brings fear to your heart and mind, I'd highly, highly encourage you to dig deep into the Scriptures asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in ALL TRUTH as you do - which He absolutely loves - and promises - to do. If you're feeling fear, anxiety, and/or confusion, you may not be hearing from the same Shepherd as I hear nor reading the same Bible that I read. There is simply no room or space for fear in His Perfect Love. Yes, we will all visit these dark places from time to time because we have an adversary that lives to do nothing but make us these things. But our stay in darkness should be shorter and shorter as we walk more and more closely with our Lord and Savior Messiah Yeshua.
Cast all your cares upon Him because He cares deeply for you.
You can trust Him (and Him alone) to safely guide you through such dark, perilous, and fraught with danger times.