Loss of Respect
A Loss of Respect
As I’ve walked in more clarity, prophetic insight, and supernatural revelation these last couple of years, I’ve also lost an immense amount of respect for more people, that I had previously held in the highest of regards, than I can recollect. It has been unbelievably disheartening to say the least but the confidence, assurance, and peace that has sprung to life within me as I’ve walked this very lonely and solo journey in my quest to find TRUTH has been worth it all.
More people than I can count have distanced themselves from me - sometimes in face-to-face interactions but almost without exception in public ways and through social media interactions. I do know Truth is controversial and can make others very uncomfortable. And yet why wouldn’t everyone want to walk in it? I haven’t a clue. The lack of desire here absolutely defies my imagination. We’re promised that the TRUTH will set us free when we walk in it/Him.
The souls that I’ve lost the most respect for are the timid ones that see and know the same truths that I’m attempting to expose as commanded in Ephesians 5:11 and then choose not to engage in them nor speak out about anything that isn’t “pleasant” or popular. Most want to post happy, cute, and/or trite platitudes all the while millions upon countless millions continue suffering due to their deafening silence.
Being a passionate worshipper through and through to my core, I am always ready for the next song and melody that might move the heart of my Lover and King! Recently I read this story of a church in Nazi Germany that would “sing a little louder” when the boxcars carrying Jews to their deaths in the horrifying concentration camps and gas chambers would pass by so as not to hear the cries and pleas for help as these precious souls were carried to their deaths.
Sing a Little Louder … Are We Any Different? - Mystery Solved with Messiah Jesus
A favorite modern worship song, Raise a Hallelujah, has a line that says just this….to “sing a little louder”. I can no longer worship to it in the same way now knowing what I’ve come to know. Knowing how apathetic and complicitly silent the Church has become. This world is so not my home.
As I’ve lost respect for soul upon soul because of their apathy and refusal to engage in the intense spiritual and physical wars that are absolutely raging all around us, and therefore I believe are complicit in these evils, I’ve also gained the Pearl of Great Price in my walk and breathtaking relationship with Messiah Yeshua. He has met me here in this wilderness to a degree I never knew possible this side of eternity and this side of the veil. But possible it is. Thank you, God!
Another glorious silver lining to this loss has been the replacement of a people group/tribe that absolutely takes my breath away in their courage, and fight for the hearts, lives, and eternal souls of their fellow man. These warrior souls renew and restore my formerly deeply shaken confidence and trust in my fellow mankind - even though I know Scripture tells us that we should only “let God be true and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).
I have finally found my people and my tribe. They make me actually excited to get to spend all of eternity getting to know them all better. The Church people I’ve spent most of my life with up until this point have had me questioning this if I’m being totally honest….;))
Maranatha, Lord Jesus!!! Bring on the Wedding Feast of the Lamb!!!