Why We Should Send Our Best Into the Arts (by Jim Lindsay)
Francis Schaeffer once said that we should send our brightest and best, not into medicine or engineering, but into the arts.
This is the place where brilliant minds can send pagan messages, past the guardians of our souls, into our hearts and lodge them without notice. In our souls, these ideas metastasize and fester, poisoning our very lives with lies, submerged beneath our knowledge and perception. One day we will awake as persons and as cultures to find we have abandoned God and Truth without the remembrance of why and how. Like one commentator wrote, we will weep over the loss of our livestock years and years after the gate was left open.
In the video inserted in the “Heaven or Hell?” page of this website, James Cameron admits his agenda in making films of brilliance in order to insert a ‘Trojan Horse’ of indigenous religion into our culture.
May we walk away, not just with the conviction of sending our best into this combat zone of the Arts with truth, but resist the lies implanted in our souls by the Enemy.
And may we impoverish men like Cameron by refusing to pay to him some of our God-given wealth to his to continue his quest of poisoning the souls of a generation.